2.1. Phần cứng được hỗ trợ

Debian không yêu cầu phần cứng đặc biệt khác với yêu cầu của hạt nhân Linux hay kFreeBSD và các bộ công cụ GNU. Vì vậy, bất kỳ kiến trúc hay nền tảng nào sang đó hạt nhân Linux hay kFreeBSD, thư viện C libc, bộ biên dịch gcc v.v. đã được chuyển, cũng cho đó có một bản chuyển Debian, có khả năng chạy được hệ thống Debian. Xem những trang Bản Chuyển (Ports) tại https://www.fearlessbabyclothing.cf/ports/arm/ để tìm thêm thông tin về hệ thống kiến trúc 32-bit soft-float ARM đã được thử ra với Debian GNU/Linux.

Hơn là cố gắng diễn tả tất cả các cấu hình phần cứng được hỗ trợ cho kiến trúc 32-bit soft-float ARM, tiết đoạn này chứa thông tin chung và liên kết đến thông tin thêm.

2.1.1. Kiến trúc được hỗ trợ

Debian GNU/Linux 12 supports 9 major architectures and several variations of each architecture known as flavors.

Kiến trúc Tên Debian Kiến trúc phụ Mùi vị
AMD64 & Intel 64 amd64    
Dựa vào x86 Intel i386 default x86 machines default
Xen PV domains only xen
ARM armel Marvell Kirkwood and Orion marvell
ARM with hardware FPU armhf multiplatform armmp
64bit ARM arm64    
64bit MIPS (little-endian) mips64el MIPS Malta 5kc-malta
Cavium Octeon octeon
Loongson 3 loongson-3
32bit MIPS (little-endian) mipsel MIPS Malta 4kc-malta
Cavium Octeon octeon
Loongson 3 loongson-3
Power Systems ppc64el IBM POWER8 or newer machines  
64bit IBM S/390 s390x IPL từ bộ đọc VM-reader và DASD giống loài

Tài liệu này bao quát sự cài đặt cho kiến trúc 32-bit soft-float ARM dùng hạt nhân Linux. Nếu bạn tìm thông tin về bất cứ kiến trúc khác nào được Debian hỗ trợ, xem trang Bản Chuyển Debian.

2.1.2. Three different ARM ports

The ARM architecture has evolved over time and modern ARM processors provide features which are not available in older models. Debian therefore provides three ARM ports to give the best support for a very wide range of different machines:

  • Debian/armel targets older 32-bit ARM processors without support for a hardware floating point unit (FPU),

  • Debian/armhf works only on newer 32-bit ARM processors which implement at least the ARMv7 architecture with version 3 of the ARM vector floating point specification (VFPv3). It makes use of the extended features and performance enhancements available on these models.

  • Debian/arm64 works on 64-bit ARM processors which implement at least the ARMv8 architecture.

Technically, all currently available ARM CPUs can be run in either endian mode (big or little), but in practice the vast majority use little-endian mode. All of Debian/arm64, Debian/armhf and Debian/armel support only little-endian systems.

2.1.3. Variations in ARM CPU designs and support complexity

ARM systems are much more heterogeneous than those based on the i386/amd64-based PC architecture, so the support situation can be much more complicated.

The ARM architecture is used mainly in so-called system-on-chip (SoC) designs. These SoCs are designed by many different companies with vastly varying hardware components even for the very basic functionality required to bring the system up. System firmware interfaces have been increasingly standardised over time, but especially on older hardware firmware/boot interfaces vary a great deal, so on these systems the Linux kernel has to take care of many system-specific low-level issues which would be handled by the mainboard's BIOS/UEFI in the PC world.

At the beginning of the ARM support in the Linux kernel, the hardware variety resulted in the requirement of having a separate kernel for each ARM system in contrast to the one-fits-all kernel for PC systems. As this approach does not scale to a large number of different systems, work was done to allow booting with a single ARM kernel that can run on different ARM systems. Support for newer ARM systems is now implemented in a way that allows the use of such a multiplatform kernel, but for several older systems a separate specific kernel is still required. Because of this, the standard Debian distribution only supports installation on a selected number of such older ARM systems, alongside the newer systems which are supported by the ARM multiplatform kernels (called armmp) in Debian/armhf.

2.1.4. Platforms supported by Debian/armel

The following platforms are supported by Debian/armel; they require platform-specific kernels.


Kirkwood is a system-on-chip (SoC) from Marvell that integrates an ARM CPU, Ethernet, SATA, USB, and other functionality in one chip. Debian currently supports the following Kirkwood based devices:


Orion is a system-on-chip (SoC) from Marvell that integrates an ARM CPU, Ethernet, SATA, USB, and other functionality in one chip. There are many Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices on the market that are based on an Orion chip. Debian currently supports the following Orion based devices: Buffalo Kurobox.


The Versatile platform is emulated by QEMU and is therefore a nice way to test and run Debian on ARM if you don't have real hardware.

2.1.5. Devices no longer supported by Debian/armel


Support for all QNAP Turbo Station models (TS-xxx) has been dropped for Debian 11, since the Linux kernel for them can no longer being built, due to hardware limitations.


Support for HP Media Vault mv2120 has been dropped for Debian 11, since the Linux kernel for it can no longer being built, due to hardware limitations.

You may be able to keep above listed devices running for some time, see the Release Notes for Debian 11.

2.1.6. Graphics Hardware Support

Debian's support for graphical interfaces is determined by the underlying support found in X.Org's X11 system, and the kernel. Basic framebuffer graphics is provided by the kernel, whilst desktop environments use X11. Whether advanced graphics card features such as 3D-hardware acceleration or hardware-accelerated video are available, depends on the actual graphics hardware used in the system and in some cases on the installation of additional firmware blobs (see Phần 2.2, “Thiết bị cần thiết phần vững”).

Nearly all ARM machines have the graphics hardware built-in, rather than being on a plug-in card. Some machines do have expansion slots which will take graphics cards, but that is a rarity. Hardware designed to be headless with no graphics at all is quite common. Whilst basic framebuffer video provided by the kernel should work on all devices that have graphics, fast 3D graphics invariably needs binary drivers to work. The situation is changing quickly but at the time of the bookworm release free drivers for nouveau (Nvidia Tegra K1 SoC) and freedreno (Qualcomm Snapdragon SoCs) are available in the release. Other hardware needs non-free drivers from 3rd parties.

Details on supported graphics hardware and pointing devices can be found at https://wiki.freedesktop.org/xorg/. Debian 12 ships with X.Org version 7.7.

2.1.7. Phần cứng khả năng kết nối mạng

Almost any network interface card (NIC) supported by the Linux kernel should also be supported by the installation system; drivers should normally be loaded automatically.

Trên 32-bit soft-float ARM, hầu hết các thiết bị mạng Ethernet gắn liền với mạch đều được hỗ trợ và các mô-đun cho các thiết bị PCI và USB gắn thêm đều được cung cấp.

2.1.8. Ngoại vi và phần cứng khác

Linux supports a large variety of hardware devices such as mice, printers, scanners, PCMCIA/CardBus/ExpressCard and USB devices. However, most of these devices are not required while installing the system.